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Your children deserve only the healthy foods all the time.

Unfortunately, most parents struggle to give their kids healthy food options nowadays.

It is not because of our busy schedules. It’s just that we have no idea how to make healthy foods for our children.

Find out in this video below as we show you the simple process in making health foods for your kids.

Research shows that kids who eat oatmeal are better able to concentrate and pay attention in school.

Fiber-rich whole grains, like oatmeal, digest slowly, providing kids with a steady stream of energy.

Any fruit is good for your child, providing essential vitamins and minerals. Fruit also has fiber, which keeps kids regular.

To reap the nutritional benefits, aim to eat a variety of fruits, like berries, melon, kiwifruit, and oranges.

Healthy Foods For Kids: Nuts, Cabbage

Nuts are made up of healthy fats, which kids need for growth and development, as well as for heart health.

Having a little bit of “good” fat in the morning gives your kids a burst of energy to keep them going.

Protein and calcium in dairy products provide fuel for the brain and body.

Protein helps build brain tissue, while milk’s calcium keeps kids’ bones and teeth strong.

It contains healthy bacteria known to boost immunity and aid digestion and has two to three times the amount of protein and less sugar than regular yogurt.

Cabbage. It has a mild flavor and crunch that kids tend to like better than the usual salad greens.

And cruciferous veggies such as cabbage, broccoli, and kale contain phytonutrients known to lower the risk for many types of cancer, as well as improve digestion.

It also helps clear harmful toxins from the body by triggering the release of enzymes whose job it is to whisk them out.

Kid’s Diet: Coleslaw, Salmon, Cinnamon

Ways to get it in your kid’s diet: Make coleslaw with low-fat mayo; shred and toss it into soups or Asian noodle dishes.

Salmon. It contains heart-healthy omega-3 fats, which are also known to boost brain development, fend off depression and have superb anti-inflammatory powers.

Be sure to pick the wild kind, which is lower in mercury and higher in omega-3s.

The best way to get your kid to eat it: Pair salmon with ingredients he already likes.

You probably think of the marshmallow-studded beverage, but cocoa powder actually has one of the highest concentrations of flavonoids, a compound is known to improve blood pressure and heart and oral health. T

They may also protect skin from sun damage.

Cinnamon. Research shows that this spice can help regulate blood sugar, which may also minimize those all-too-common mid-morning energy crashes (kiddie meltdown!), says Beller.

Sprinkle it on oatmeal, pancakes, cold cereal and yogurt, and add a few extra dashes of cinnamon to muffin or quick-bread recipes that call for it,

video credit Health & Heldi

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