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If you want have successful weight loss then you need to make sure you are doing things right. Its not just about taking weight loss supplements but about an entire lifestyle shift towards being healthier.

9 Steps To Thriving Weight Loss

The infographic below shows the 9 key things you can do to be successful if you are looking to drop a few kilos.

Successful Weight Loss

  1. Having A Big Breakfast

A big breakfast is important to successful weight loss because it kick starts your metabolism for the day. Stick to high protein foods like eggs to ensure that you get the best out of breakfast.

2. Drink 6-8 Glasses Of Water per Day

Your body is made up of mostly water, and making sure that we get enough of it in our system is very important.

3. Cut Down On Alcohol And Carbonated Drink

Alcohol and carbonated drinks are a huge source of empty calories. The best rule for successful weight loss is to try and avoid drinking your calories. Most beer or soda contain 160 calories per bottle. So just cutting those out can have a huge effect.

4. Take The Stairs & Avoid The Lift Whenever Possible

You’d be amazed how many calories the stairs can burn! You’ll feel better and get a kick start to your work out plans when you do this easy tip.

5. Plan Your Meals & Eat On Time

If you plan your meals, you’ll be less likely to eat junk which means you are already eating healthier

6. Be Happy & Think Positive

Mindset is everything. If you cheat, get back on the positive vibes wagon as fast as you can to get yourself back on track.

7. Exercise Regularly

Hit the gym! Join a sports league. You’ll feel better about life once you start getting that regular exercise. If you go the sports route, it can even be a lot of fun!

8. Get A Good 8 Hrs Of Sleep

Who doesn’t love sleep? make sure you are getting enough, this is the time your body heals.

9. Avoid Junk Food

This one seems obvious but junk food is full of well…..junk! Switch it out for some fruit or nuts instead.

Graphic from Cafe Nutrition.

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