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Stair Stepper is a moderate-intensity option that anyone can do. This machine is pretty same with Stair Climber.

When we’re going to use a Stair Stepper, it is important to maintain good posture to fully engage the core muscles.


  • Start with low resistance and ramp up until you have to push in order to move the pedal back down.
  • If the pedal’s doing the work, resistance is too light. Don’t lean on the side rails or handles; these are for balance only.


  • Most machines allow you to control how fast the pedals move, either manually or in a preprogrammed workout.
  • Go fast enough so that during the peak of your workout, you can answer a question comfortably, but not carry on a conversation.

Foot Position

  • Most of the time, you should start with your foot flat on the pedal, rising up onto your toes slightly as the pedal raises.
  • But if you’d like to work your hamstrings or calves, you can scoot your feet back so your heels are off the pedal, pushing you up on your toes more fully and frequently.

*Extra Tip: 

Your body position should be upright at all times.  Don’t lean your weight into the handlebars or console.

Leaning to the sides or front of the machine actually decreases your workload dramatically and increases your risk of injury due to improper form. 

Think about standing tall and letting your hands just lightly touch the handlebars for support.

Stairs Stepper Machine Benefits

Stair steppers are an effective aid to cardiovascular fitness.

They simulate the motion of climbing flights of stairs, which is a vigorous activity that works the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles.

The constant movement provides an aerobic workout that gets your heart and lungs pumping.

A 30-minute stair stepper workout burns from 180 to 266 calories, depending on your weight.

The best stepper workout will get your heart rate to 70 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate.

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