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A healthy plate is an easy way to ensure the right amount of nutrient and to control portion sizes.

In the video below, we are discussing in helping you prepare the right amount of plated method for nutritious meals.

Fill half your plate with nonstarchy vegetables, one quarter with lean protein, and one with whole grains for a healthy eating plan.

Healthy Plate: Family’s Suggested Meal

What can you make your family for dinner that’s healthy and tastes good?

You can also follow the plate method this healthy eating plan works for everybody including people with diabetes.

Indeed, making nutritious healthy meals will be a snap. But, what’s a healthy plate?

It’s a way to control your serving sizes where you don’t have to count. Simply use a 7-inch plate for children and a 9-inch plate for adults.

Healthy Plate For Kids, Adults

First, divide the plate in half and fill one of them with vegetables.

There are two types of vegetables: starchy like potatoes corn peas or plantains and nonstarchy like zucchini jicama cucumbers carrots or salad.

If you have diabetes, fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables.

Then, fill 1/4 with whole grains or starches like brown rice corn beans, or whole wheat pasta.

In the other quarter, add some lean protein like tofu grilled fish or chicken.

What about adding a side of tortilla or bread. It’s also hard to resist.

I know the trick is to serve yourself a smaller portion of the other starches on your plate.

Unsweetened Coffee

Instead, to complete your meal, add also a drink like unsweetened coffee tea or a glass of milk.

But, remember that drinking eight ounces of milk affects your blood sugar.

Just as it would if you ate another tortilla or a slice of bread. Or, you can also choose water with a squeeze of lemon or lime.

How you create your plate is up to you.

You have many options as long as you remember to follow these healthy guidelines. And, you’re also all set you might be thinking.

Creating Beef Soup

How can you use a plating method to make vegetable beef soup or other meal?

Simply follow the same idea. Fill your pot with low sodium broth and lots of healthy vegetables, like corned cabbage, zucchini, carrots, and onions and some lean beef.

But not too much just like you’d put on a quarter of your plate.

For each person, you’re serving if you want to add your favorite type of bread on the side, and you’ve got the right amount for a healthy meal.

Enjoy your healthy meal!

video reference My Doctor – Kaiser Permanente

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