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Green tea is undoubtedly one of the most sought-after beverages in the world.

It became popular in recent years as a health drink due to its high antioxidant content and health benefits.

Green tea is sourced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.

One can enjoy it either hot, cold or even in powdered form. It is known for its high antioxidant content and health benefits.

But how much green tea should you drink to achieve these benefits? And could drink too much be dangerous?

This video discusses a study on how many cups of green tea you should drink.

Green Tea: Its Benefits

The nutrients and plant compounds that exist in green tea leaves act as protective effects on cardiovascular health or cancer risk.

Observational studies showed reduced recurrences of breast cancer in women who drank more than three cups of green tea daily.

In this analysis, they found that people who consumed one to three cups of green tea daily had a lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

The beverage also contains caffeine and catechins that have health benefits.

Side Effects

People who consume large doses (more than three cups) can increase feelings of anxiety, interfere with sleep, stomach upset, and headaches.

For pregnant, it may even increase the risk of birth defects and miscarriage.

That’s because the amount of caffeine in a cup of the beverage relies on the tea used and the time the tea leaves steep in the water.

The average cup of this beverage contains about 20 to 40 milligrams of caffeine.

If you take 300 milligrams, even if you had six cups of this beverage, it would only be equivalent to about one strong cup of coffee in terms of the caffeine intake.

Reducing Iron Absorption

The reason is that the catechins in the beverage may reduce your ability to absorb iron from foods.

And consuming catechins in large quantities may lead to iron deficiency anemia.

Most healthy individuals will be fine but those at risk of iron deficiency should consider drinking tea in between meals.

They should be waiting at least one hour after eating before drinking tea

Likewise, the catechins in beverage can interfere with certain medications and decrease their effectiveness.

Studies indicate that beverage may inhibit the effectiveness of certain heart blood pressure medications.

It may decrease the effects of certain medications used to treat anxiety and depression.

Green Tea: More Benefits Than Risks

While drinking this beverage may have some side effects to those who consume higher dosage, its health benefits outweigh its risks so if you drink it regularly.

Remember that this beverage contains high antioxidant properties. But it may also cause some side effects if you would drink too much cups.

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