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Banana and Milk are an excellent combination if your objective is to get REALLY FAT, really fast.

You see, bananas are an excellent source of sugar, and you will notice professional tennis players eat bananas after an hour of hard tennis.

Similarly, milk is liquid sugar, with bits of protein and fat in it.

It have some great benefits and can be used for weight loss.

[CC Available] Milk and Banana as a health booster, but if used incorrectly you may make yourself ill.

Be sure to use these as a supplement during weight loss, but do not rely on them for all of your meals.

They can be very beneficial when taken correctly, and make you feel wonderful.

Banana and Milk: Benefits

Bananas are a rich source of potassium which can help lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

You can combine them with milk by blending 1 cup of milk, with 1 banana and a few ice cubes.

This is a tasty drink which can be drunk between meals during a diet.

Many people use a “banana and milk diet” to lose weight quickly. They do this by replacing all meals with this drink for 3-4 days.

However, this is NOT healthy for the body, due to the lack of diverse nutrients.

Weight may be lost, but you will feel sluggish and lose energy.

A better alternative is to use this drink between meals as a replacement for snacks.

It will leave you feeling fuller and less likely to overeat.

Milk also contains some healthy minerals and nutrients including calcium, vitamin C and D, magnesium and strontium. This helps to maintain strong and healthy teeth and bones.

If you prefer you can use oat milk, almond milk, soy milk, etc… These are great alternatives for vegetarians and vegans.

For a healthy breakfast, you should combine grains with your banana and milk. Simply add a chop banana, a cup of milk and wheat or porridge to a pan. Allow this to simmer until combined, and enjoy.

If you wish you lose weight, you should ensure that you eat a balance diet, with plenty of natural fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

Vitamin D within milk will help to keep the skin looking young and supple.

Bananas can also be boiled as a sleep aid, please see our other video on this to learn more.

video reference Ryan Taylor Youtube video

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