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Adobo Dish is a popular Filipino dish and cooking process in Filipino cuisine that involves meat, seafood, or vegetables marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and black peppercorns, which is browned in oil, and simmered in the marinade.

This is a recipe post for Filipino Pork Adobo. It is a dish composed of pork slices cook in soy sauce, vinegar, and garlic in fact.

Specifically, There are version wherein onions are also added. Adobo is a popular dish in the Philippines, along with Sinigang in fact.

Adobo, in general, can be cook using different kinds of protein. Chicken is a commonly used ingredient.

Adobo Dishes: Kinds of Adobo

Almost every region in the Philippines has its own pork adobo version. Sometimes, there can be more than one version in a location.

The Basic Pork Adobo version is what you see in the recipe below. There are also similar versions with additional ingredients.

Pork and Chicken Adobo is perhaps one of the favorites when it comes to family picnics.

This is a dish wherein pork and chicken slices are combine and cook in adobo style.

It can be done the same way as this recipe, with or without onions. This is our clans signature summer dish in the Philippines.

I remember my Tito’s and Tita’s prepare a large portion every summer outing.

We would go to Pansol in Laguna to rent a swimming pool for the clan and they would bring with them two large cauldrons (kaldero).

One has the adobo in it, while the other is for the rice.

Pork Adobo with Potato is another version that I tried. This is a saucier pork adobo version with cubes of potatoes in it.

I’m not sure where this dish originated. It might have been initially creating as a filler to feed more people.

Nevertheless, I liked the taste. I think that it can be improved by pan-frying the potato first.

Most of the flavors get absorb by the potato. It can be a carbohydrate overload when you eat the potato with rice.

This is a good dish to have when before going to the gym or before starting a marathon.

Adobong Baboy sa Gata is a classic. This is notorious for making people on limited-rice-diet crave for more rice.

It is very rich, tasty, and delicious. Add a few pieces of Thai chili pepper, and you will not get enough of it.

Adobo Dishes: How to Cook

This version suggests marinating the pork to make it more flavorful. Pork belly and other fatty cuts of pork are ideal for this recipe.

The first thing to do is marinate the pork belly in soy sauce and crushed garlic. It is best to marinate it overnight.

If the time has to limit, one hour should be enough. Some like to add vinegar during the process. You may do so if preferred.

Drain the marinade. Save it for later. Marinated pork needs to be brown. Heat a cooking pot.

Add pork with garlic. You can also add a few tablespoons of cooking oil. Cook the pork until it turns brown.

The pork needs to be cook until tender. Do this by pouring the remaining marinade, if any.

Also, add water. Let the liquid boil. This is the part where I put the whole peppercorn and dried bay leaves.

These ingredients complete my pork adobo. Boiling for 40 minutes should be enough to tenderize the pork.

There are times when you have to cook longer.

If you have not added the vinegar as part of the marinade, pour it into the pot and let it cook for 10 minutes.

Salt is an optional ingredient for this recipe. Use it only if you think it’s needed.

Adobo Dish: Instructions

Combine the pork belly, soy sauce, and garlic then marinade for at least 1 hour

Heat the pot and put-in the marinated pork belly then cook for a few minutes

Pour remaining marinade including garlic.

Add water, whole peppercorn, and dried bay leaves then bring to a boil. Simmer for 40 minutes to 1 hour

Put-in the vinegar and simmer for 12 to 15 minutes

Add salt to taste

Adobo Dish: Ingredients

  • 2 lbs pork belly
  • 2 tablespoons garlic minced or crushed
  • 5 pieces of dried bay leaves
  • 4 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon peppercorn
  • 2 cups of water
  • Salt to taste

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