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These supplement sources are the foods we need to consume to replenish the loose nutrients in the body.

One of the often depleted nutrients is Vitamin D, which is basically a fat-soluble vitamin that’s stored in the liver and fatty tissues. 

It helps to enhance the immune system, manage blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes, combat heart disease, and contribute to bone health.

But Vitamin D in our body also depletes due to everyday stress. If our body does not make enough of it, you can obtain it from food sources.

Supplement Sources: What Vit. D Rich Foods To Eat?

So, how do you increase your Vitamin D levels quickly?

What kind of supplement sources or foods do you need to consume to raise your needed nutrients?

Below is the video of top 10 vitamin D foods you should consider:


Salmon contains high amounts of vitamin D. About half the field of sockeye salmon contains high amounts of vitamin D which is more than twice as people need in a day.


Tuna is an excellent source of vitamin D and it contains one third of a daily dose.

White tuna contains one-tenth of vitamin D. It also contains any other nutrients and antioxidants which help in keeping you at bay from diseases.

Omega Pills

Omega pills are a type of fish oil which is not very popular because of its bad taste. But they are extremely beneficial for your health.

One spoon of this oil contains three hundred forty percent daily value of vitamin D.

It also contains fill mega three fatty acids, which have a positive effect on your body.


Eggs also contain vitamin D protein amino acids and other nutrients which are really beneficial for your body.

They help in the proper development of the muscles. Egg contains 7 percent vitamin D of the daily recommendation

More Vitamin D Rich Foods

Soy Milk

Soymilk is wonderful for your health and it contains high amounts of vitamin D and calcium which work very well together.

Calcium helps in making your bones stronger. A cup of soy milk contains 17 percent of vitamin D and six percent of calcium which is needed in a day.

White mushroom also known as white button mushrooms are considered to be very beneficial for your health.

It helps in improving your overall health because it contains high amounts of vitamin D and many other essential nutrients.


Tofu contains proteins and vitamin D which are essential to keep your body healthy.

The vitamin D present in this food helps in protecting you from many diseases.

Fortified tofu contains 39 percent of the daily recommended dose of vitamin D.


Oranges are fruits which contain high amounts of vitamin V. It will help in keeping you healthy and will also show various other positive effects.


Butter is a food which people do not like to consume because it contains saturated fats.

Very few people know that consuming it also helps in keeping you healthy because it contains vitamin D which is extremely beneficial for your body.

Vanilla Yogurt

Vanilla yogurt is a tasty ingredient many people love.

A cup of vanilla yogurt also contains 20 percent of vitamin D, which is needed by our body daily to remain healthy.

video reference Sooraj Mohan

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