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30 Push-ups are the common calisthenics exercise beginning from the prone position or the front leaning rest position known in the military.

The push-up is one of the most basic but effective moves for strength and conditioning.

30 Push-up Variation List:


1. Regular Push Ups – distribute your body weight proportionately between your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

2. Wide Push Ups – recruits more of your pectoral muscles while a regular push-up shares the burden with your triceps muscles.

3. Diamond Push Ups – is the most effective tricep exercise, followed by dips and tricep kickbacks. 

4. Pike Push Ups – work the anterior deltoid, lateral deltoid, triceps, back, and core and can even help improve hamstring flexibility.

5. Scapula Push Ups – Keeping your shoulders healthy and developing proper movement patterns in pulling motions demands the ability to forcefully depress, rotate, and retract the scapula.


6. Elevated Pike Push Ups – more activation in the serratus anterior than regular Push-Up. Strong, healthy serratus anterior muscles are crucial for shoulder health.

7. Knee Plank Push Ups – still strengthen the chest, shoulders, and triceps, helping you build your fitness without the stress of a full push-up.

8. Wall Plank Press Ups – The weight transfer works your arms, shoulder, and chest harder, building added strength and better muscle definition.

9. Single Leg Press Ups – It works your lower-abdominal muscles and places more demand on your chest and serratus anterior, an important posture muscle that runs from your chest and along your rib cage to your shoulder blade.

10. Reverse Wrist Ups – in order to be able to transfer energy from the body through the hands (for opening those pickle jars) we need to make sure every link in the chain is strong.

11. Shoulder Tap Push Ups – is a full body strength move that focuses on your arms and chest while also strengthening your core.


12. Finger Press Ups – will improve your overall upper body strength as well as the strength of smaller stabilizing muscles. 

13. One Arm Press Ups – in addition to giving you a slight ego boost, the exercise works wonders for your body as it strengthens your arm, shoulder, chest, core and even your hips.

14. Type Writer Push Ups – in terms of your chest, works your lower chest more, but your shoulders the most.

15. Hindu Push Ups – assists in improving body posture, greater spine flexibility, stronger joints, better endurance and cardiovascular health.

16. Inch Worm Push Ups – increases strength and muscular endurance throughout the entire body with an emphasis on the shoulders and core. 

Advanced (Plyo)

17. Explosive Push Ups – it can increase time under tension, loading, and metabolic fatigue are some of the key drivers for strength and hypertrophy. 

18. Lateral Explosive Push Ups – can help increase muscle strength, power, and body awareness.

19. Clap Push Ups – can enhance core stability, essential to your strong stance in the boxing ring. It also builds shoulder mobility, quick reflexes, and upper-body strength.

20. Diamond to Normal – you build strong triceps, chest, the front part of your deltoids, and the most important one is often overlooked

21. Rocking Horse Push Ups – is a great pose for overcoming stiffness and drowsiness in the morning.

22. Tuck Push Ups – it works to build stability, coordination, balance, muscle tone and strength, as well as to help protect you against injury.

23. Mountain climber Push Ups – are a killer exercise that get your heart rate up fast while also firing nearly every muscle group in the body.

24. Spiderman Push Ups –  it helps your chest and arm muscles work harder. This helps to work for different muscle groups, increasing the resistance and helping you strengthen your muscles more quickly.

Easier Alternatives

25. Regular Push Ups – On Knees – Keeping your knees on the floor reduces the total weight you need to lift to complete the motion, while still retaining many of the push-up’s benefits.

26. Diamond Push Ups On Knee – The benefits are that you build strong triceps, chest, the front part of your deltoids and the most important one is often overlooked: a strong core

27. Pike Push Ups – On Knees – is a great exercise for building shoulder strength and improving core stability. 

28. Clap Push Ups – On Knees – can help increase muscle strength, power, and body awareness.

29. Explosive Push Up – On Knees – it trains these muscles to work together, while also building better balance and stability.

30. Shoulder Tap Push Up – On Knees – is a full body strength move that focuses on your arms and chest while also strengthening your core.

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